Thursday, June 18, 2020

Blog 2 - "The Talk"

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   "The Talk"
    Who: Female, 11 years old
    Where: Home
    As this is a young female the individuals mother will be doing most of the talking. However, it is important that her father also be present so that the individuals knows that she can go to him with any questions she may have. It is important that parents and their children have a relationship that allows the child to come to them with questions, fears or concerns, however uncomfortable they may be. This could be the difference between STD transfer or teen pregnancy. Before writing this dialog I accessed the Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) Sexual Health Curriculum Guide and determined important things to incorporate into this discussion. 
    Mother: I would like for you to sit down, your father and I have something we would like to talk to you about. As you're beginning to get older and you may be finding yourself becoming interested in the same or opposite sex, it is important for us to talk to you about intimacy. I'm sure you've started to hear people talking around school about kissing and potentially even sex so we want to make you aware of the risks and things you need to be mindful of. Now your father and I do not condone nor wish for you to partake in any sexual activity outside of marriage, however, it is your body and ultimately you decide what you will do with it so we want to make sure you are informed. Have you ever heard of sexually transmitted diseases or STD's?
    Daughter: No.
    Mother: These are diseases that can be transferred from one person to another when the proper protections aren't taken during sex. Some of these diseases can be treated, others cannot and can be life threatening. Some STD's can be transmitted through both oral and vaginal sex so it is important that both you and your partner be screened for STD's before you engage in any sexual activity. Do you know what oral sex is?
    Daughter: No.
    Mother: Oral sex is using your mouth for sexual favors pertaining to another persons genitals. Are you aware of how people get pregnant?
    Daughter: No.
    Mother: Each month a female produces an egg, sometimes they can produce more than one which is how some people get twins, but for the most part people release one egg. A female has what is called a fertile period that lasts for about 5-7 days. In this period, if a male and female have sexual intercourse and a male is not wearing a condom, sperm have the potential to make their way towards a females egg. If the sperm enters the females egg, the female becomes pregnant. Does this help you to understand why it is so important, if you do decide to have sex, for your sexual partner to wear a condom?
    Daughter: Yes.
    Mother: Because not wearing a condom can lead to what?
    Daughter: STD's and pregnancy. 
    Mother:  Yes. There are other birth control methods that you can also use, however, these will not protect you against STD's so it is very important that you and your partner both still get tested and continue to use condoms. I will send you a link to your phone so you can further explore birth control methods, now or in the future, and you can talk to me at any time if you have questions or decided this is the course of action you would like to take.
    Mother: I also want to talk to you about something else that is very important. Consent. Do you know what consent means?
    Daughter: Yes.
    Mother: Good. So you know that giving consent means that you are allowing something to happen. I want you to know that consent pertains to sex as well. If someone ever tries to force you to do any kind of sexual act that you do not consent to, this is called rape. Rape is very very serious. It is very important that if you or anyone that you know is raped you tell me, your father and or the authorities. Which also leads me to, do you think it is ever okay to make fun of someone for sexual activity or lack there of? Meaning making fun of someone for doing something or not doing something sexually related?
    Daughter: No.
    Mother: Right. It is not okay for you to make fun of anyone period, and especially not for sexual activities they may or may not have committed. If you experience or witness this, it is very important that you inform an adult. This is not something that you should ignore or participate in, ever, okay?
    Daughter: Okay. 
    Mother: So I know this is a very uncomfortable thing for you to talk about but I want you to know that you never have to be afraid to come to either me or your father with questions or concerns. Our wish for you is that you would wait to have sex until you are in a committed relationship and are much older. But it is very important that you are well informed and have the resources to make your own decisions. Do you have any questions for us? You don't have to ask them now, you can think about everything you have just heard and ask questions later if you would like?
    Daughter: How can I make sure I do not get an STD.
    Mother: The best way to ensure you do not get an STD is to always use protection, such as a condom and abstain from sex with your partner until you have both been tested for STD's. If you ever suspect you have contracted an STD it is very important that you get it checked out because there could be negative long term effects if you do not. I will also send you a link to a guide for safer sex and again you can come to me with any questions you may have. Any other questions?
    Daughter: Not right now, but I will read those articles and come to you with any questions.
    Mother: Okay.


CDC. (2012). Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) Sexual Health Curriculum Guide.

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2020, February 6). Birth control options: Things to consider. Mayo Clinic.

Safer Sex Guidelines. Safer Sex Guidelines | Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Blog 1 - Global Trends

     I was thoroughly surprised by a majority of the answers in the Global Trends Quiz, however, three particular answers stood out the most. The first two answers that caught my attention stated that by 2035 there will be a 2.5:1 ratio of taxpayers to retirees and that these said taxpayers would have to pay 31.9% in taxes just to be able to cover public pensions and health benefits (NOVA | World in the Balance | Global Trends Quiz (Answer Key)). This is a terrifying statistic for future American workers, particularly those that would just be graduating college and now not only have pressing student loans but also lose over 30% of their paycheck to cover retirees. It is similarly scary for retirees who could potentially miss out on retirement that they were counting on due to lack of funds. Another answer that was shocking to me was that baby girls born in Japan have a life expectancy of 84 years, whereas baby girls born in Kenya have a life expectancy of 46 years, that is a 38 year difference (NOVA | World in the Balance | Global Trends Quiz (Answer Key)). This is a heartbreaking reality and shines light on the fact that as a first world country we need to be doing something to help increase the life expectancy of people in third world countries.
    I believe the biggest health problem that women face currently is that 527,000 women die from pregnancy related issues in the developing world every year (NOVA | World in the Balance | Global Trends Quiz (Answer Key)). Pregnancy in the developing world holds a 1:61 chance of maternal death because of lack of resources such as birth control, prenatal care and adequate medical resources (NOVA | World in the Balance | Global Trends Quiz (Answer Key)). This is compared to a 1:2800 change of maternal death in development parts of the world, who have access to birth control, prenatal care and adequate medical resources (NOVA | World in the Balance | Global Trends Quiz (Answer Key)). Women everywhere should have the same high level prenatal and family planning care, regardless of their economic standing. Childbirth is something that a majority of women will encounter at some point in their lifetime, especially in developing countries where there is a lack of birth control or means to prevent pregnancy. Due to it’s high prevalence and high mortality rate, pregnancy related deaths are one of the, if not, the most pressing women’s health issues today. There shouldn’t be any place in the world where birth control and the best possible health care isn’t available to women.  

Brink, Susan. “New Guidelines Establish The Rights Of Women When Giving Birth.” 90.1 FM WABE, 2 Mar. 2018,

    One belief about Women’s health that I wish would change is that our bodies react the same to medication as a Man’s. As seen in the ted talk, Why Medicine Often Has Dangerous Side Effects for Women by Alyson McGregor, most medicines we see on the market today are designed and tested on and for men. The popular, and extremely dangerous, belief that women and men are biologically alike is outdated and could potentially be putting women in life threatening situations (McGregor, 2015). Life saving drugs and treatments that we as women put our trust in, believing whole heartedly that they were designed to give us the best shot at life, are not even designed with our life and safety in mind. This needs to be changed, clinical studies of drugs need to start taking place with women. All drugs that are on the market and have been tested solely on men, need to be retested on women. If and when side effects not found in men become apparent in women, alterations to these drugs need to be made. It is not enough to throw our hands up and say, my bad, with future drugs we’ll consider women, the mistakes that have already been made need to be fixed.


    Brink, Susan. “New Guidelines Establish The Rights Of Women When Giving Birth.” 90.1 FM WABE, 2 Mar. 2018, 
     McGregor, Alyson. Why Medicine Often Has Dangerous Side Effects for Women. Ted Talks, 5 Nov. 2015, 
    “NOVA | World in the Balance | Global Trends Quiz (Answer Key).” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, Apr. 2004, 

Blog 5 - Helen Keller

Helen Keller Helen was blind and deaf American author and activist who lived from June 27 1880 to June 1 1968. Keller lost her sight and hea...